Inspiration: – To be Loved – Jackie Wilson @ YouTube
The lyrics in this song “someone to care, someone to share, lonely hours and moments of despair, to be loved, to be loved, oh what a feeling – to be loved.” Resonated with me during the design for the Arcade this month. Sitting at my mac listening to music, as Scarlet Creative is near another annual anniversary. I know that design whilst one of my great loves so Scarlet Creative is really just an extension of that passion for me. However, it is my family who sit next to me, critique, offer suggestions, and ultimately hold my hand (and rub my back!) once I am off my computer have enabled me to keep doing this. They are my true love, and they have given me the opportunity to experience the last 8 years of Scarlet Creative and are as much part of it as I am. (I’ll keep baking the cupcakes to keep you all happy). Thank you.
The design this round was inspired by members of Scarletines who have been busy with ideas and options. Meribel came from the time of year when the Alps are still green with meadowy grass ready for Autumn and this particular village is an oasis to hideaway in before the tourists arrive for ski season later in the year.
The adorable Jordan had given me some design boards previously and this was one inspired by “dark”, and this house was certainly down to her design aesthetic. The equally talented Absencen, (Read more...)